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Sapra Industries

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Mfrs. Hawai Chappals

Address :Basti Danishmandan Road Jalandhar 144007, Punjab

Phone(s) :0181-2227624, Fax: 91-181-2223068

Saraswati Rubber & Chemical Mills

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Mfrs. Rubber Chappals & Straps

Address :State Bank Colony, Model House Jalandhar ,

Phone(s) :0181-2250501

Saraswati Utpadan (P) Ltd.

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Mfrs. of Rubber Chappals & Straps

Address :14-F, Sikkhusha Market Jalandhar 144003, Punjab

Phone(s) :0181-2273501 R-2224381

Sehgal Industries

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Mfrs. & Exporter of Rubber Chappals

Address :Basti Bawa Khel Jalandhar 144021, Punjab

Phone(s) :0181-2251741, 2254370

Shalu Rubber Inds.

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Mfrs. Hawai Chappals & Straps

Address :Basti Sheikh Jalandhar 144002,

Phone(s) :0181-2202727 R-2256262

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